We here at Uncaped and Unmasked have come up with our own ranking system because stars and letter grades are so over done. Many of the movies that are reviewed on this site are already available on DVD/Blue Ray, but we will also review films as they are released in theaters. For the purposes of reference, we will number the ranking system here, but not in posts:
7. Oh HELL YES! This is a must see and multiple times. This is a top tier film. Definitely worth buying on DVD/Blue-Ray immediately upon release or right now (if aready out on DVD/B-R)
6. Worth the Money This is a film that was worth seeing in the theater once or twice and will probably be a quick rental or a good DVD/B-R buy
5. Acceptable This is a movie that was OK and worth seeing in the theater once, as a rental when released, or catching on a premium movie channel. DVD/B-R purchase optional
4. Meh This is a film that if seen in the theater is a time killer and watchable, but that's about it. Rent it at some point, but there's no hurry. DVD/B-R optional, but wait for it to be marked down.
3. Cheapie A film that isn't worth seeing in the theater at all, but as a cheap rental. Not as a new release rental. Don't bother getting the DVD/B-R unless it's $1
2. Premium Channel A film that's not worth spending any direct money on. Possibly worth watching to kill time at home one day if it's being shown on HBO, Showtime, Starz, etc but do not bother actually spending money on this film
1. Oh, HELL NO!!! This is a movie so bad that simply spending time watching the film is like the film is stealing your precious time away from you. Don't bother. At all. Unless you genuinely want to waste 80-120 minutes of your life (depending on the length of the film).
0. Classically Bad This is not really one of the seven ranks, but rather a seperate system with only one rank. This is resereved for movies that are so bad, so horrible, that they are actually good (an non-comic book movie example is Ed Wood's Plan 9 from Outer Space).
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